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[Graph program图像融合(可视水印)

Description: 图像融合(可视水印)源代码-source code for image fusion (visible watermarking)
Platform: | Size: 502784 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph program基于虹膜的模式识别VC源码

Description: 基于虹膜的模式识别的源码-iris based pattern recognition source code
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 贝叶斯分类器的C++源码,用IRIS作类例子,通俗易懂,适合作模式识别、图像处理研究开发用!-Bayesian classifier C source code, using IRIS category for example, easily understood and suitable for pattern recognition, Image processing research and development with!
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectsirisrecognition

Description: 该源代码为一国外硕士所写,有关虹膜特征提取的部分很有借鉴意义,希望从事图象处理方面研究的各位不要错过.-the source code for an overseas master's written, the iris feature extraction part of a useful one, want to engage in image processing research you should not miss.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[Special EffectsNormal_encoding

Description: 虹膜识别的一些源代码,供大家参考,是我做图像处理时候用的-Iris recognition to some source code for your reference, I do image processing time used
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 方文利 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopARM

Description: ARM的嵌入式虹膜识别源代码,用VC写的应用程序,可用来模拟虹膜识别的过程-ARM embedded iris recognition source code, use VC to write applications that can be used to simulate the process of iris recognition
Platform: | Size: 285696 | Author: 张明 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个开源项目,功能是实现虹膜识别。开发语言Java。捕获的图像,位于虹膜、制作独特的虹膜轮廓 -This is an open source project, function is the realization of iris recognition. Development language Java. Capture images, located in the iris, the production of unique iris contour
Platform: | Size: 1357824 | Author: mysisi | Hits:


Description: 模式识别分类器的设计,此为LMS法源码,经调试通过。所用数据为标准IRIS。-Pattern recognition classifier design, the source for the LMS method, adopted by the debugger. Data used as the standard IRIS.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: leestar | Hits:

[Graph programhongmoshibie

Description: 基于结构特征的虹膜识别源码 vc++,我自己看过编译过,不错的。-Based on the structural characteristics of the iris recognition source vc++, I have seen compiled, not bad at all.
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: susuyutian | Hits:

[Windows Develop45666028

Description: 基于虹膜的模式识别VC++源代码(图像处理),用于学习图像处理是有很大的帮助-Iris recognition based on the VC++ source code (image processing) for learning image processing is of great help
Platform: | Size: 8301568 | Author: 吕强 | Hits:

[Graph program45666028irisVCcode

Description: 虹膜识别源码 能够直接实现 很不错的 希望大家一起学习 一起进步-Iris recognition can be a direct source of hope to achieve very good progress, with everyone learning together
Platform: | Size: 7042048 | Author: guihaitian | Hits:

[Graph programPattern

Description: 仿生模式识别的源程序,是处理虹膜识别的一个很好的例子-Pattern recognition of the source, is a good deal with iris recognition example
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: baitao | Hits:


Description: 处理眼瞳孔识别,使用VC,opencv,等等。自己根据别人的源码修改使用的。-Treated eye iris recognition using VC, opencv, and so on. According to modify their use of other people' s source.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: jipeng | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIris-Recognition

Description: Java Source Code for Iris Recognition.
Platform: | Size: 156672 | Author: aymen | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage-recognition-

Description: 图像识别的MATLAB代码,包括人脸识别和虹膜识别,在数字图像中虹膜位置的有效定位是虹膜识别的关键问题。用一种基于主动轮廓线模型的方法定位虹膜的位置,先用灰度投影法检测出瞳孔内的一点作为瞳孔的伪圆心,该圆心只要能落在瞳孔内部即可。-Matlab source code of image recognition, including face recognition and iris recognition, iris position in the digital image in an effective location is the key problem of iris recognition. With an active contour model based method to locate the position of the iris, the first gray projection method used to detect a point inside the pupil as a pupil of the pseudo-center, the center can be as long as fall within the pupil.
Platform: | Size: 959488 | Author: gaotengfei | Hits:


Description: Source code for Iris recognition on Matlab
Platform: | Size: 1673216 | Author: aicman | Hits:


Description: 利用MATLAB的虹膜识别例程,霍夫变换。-Iris recognition using MATLAB routines, Hough transform.
Platform: | Size: 449536 | Author: 董振 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeIris-recognition

Description: 虹膜识别 源代码 matlab 霍夫变换 hough变换 (解压后放在一个文件夹下)-Iris recognition source code matlab hough transform hough transform (decompression after a folder)
Platform: | Size: 2861056 | Author: 肖文 | Hits:

[Special Effectsiriscode

Description: 虹膜识别源代码,非常非常厉害,十分十分好用(iris recognition source code)
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: BacheorMXL | Hits:


Description: 虹膜识别技术是基于眼睛中的虹膜进行身份识别,应用于安防设备(如门禁等),以及有高度保密需求的场所。 人的眼睛结构由巩膜、虹膜、瞳孔晶状体、视网膜等部分组成。虹膜是位于黑色瞳孔和白色巩膜之间的圆环状部分,其包含有很多相互交错的斑点、细丝、冠状、条纹、隐窝等的细节特征。(Iris recognition abroad open source code, Windows Linux)
Platform: | Size: 3615744 | Author: dgyzmyx | Hits:
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